Learn about the importance of themes and how they can be expanded to better meet your needs!
What is a module?
In the most simple terms, a module is a chunk of reusable code. Modules can come in all different shapes and sizes with widely varying functionality. What really makes modules cool is the flexibility they offer to a website. With a well built module, things like images, background colors, text, layout, and so much more can be quickly and easily changed by a content editor with no need for any knowledge of any HTML or CSS.
This flexibility of modules can also comes with a certain rigidity that only allows so much to be changed. The benefit of this is it ensures that any content placed on the site is going to match up with the other site styles and maintain consistency. A good set of modules at your disposal will make the building and expansion processes of your website much more enjoyable for everyone.
Usually a module will be dropped into a page by using HubSpot's drag and drop editor. Modules can also be added directly to a template, and if they are, the module will automatically be on the webpage when creating a new webpage.
How simple can modules really make things for a content editor?
I think the best was to answer this question is by looking at a module. Check out the module below and lets see just how easy it can be!
Editable Title
This module is added some pretty cool functionality with the sliding effect of the before and after pictures. Lets take a look at the back end and see just how easy it is to edit this particular module!
When editing this blog post, after inserting the module, I am greeted by the editable fields visible on the left.
Clicking on one of the slides, I'm easily able to change out what the images are.
Editable Title
And just like that there is new content within the module!
Perhaps this module isn't what would meet your needs. This module is just an example of how easily a well built module can be edited and updated. Lets talk about your needs. Working together we can build exactly what you need to make your site a success!
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